Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Baby Class #3

Tonight was baby class #3. Since I'm incredibly uncomfortable & can't sleep, I'll give you the run down.

Tonight's class was overwhelming to me. Luke had an all day meeting in Hayes so I went to class by myself. Totally made me feel like an outsider sitting there by myself while every other mother to be had their coach, but I guess it makes me appreciate having him even more. Anyway, I digress...

Very overwhelming. First off on the agenda was talking about baby care. They brought in a physician who went over baby care in the hospital, at home, post natal visits, etc. We went through immunizations, required and optional, shots, when to call, when to come in, fevers, taking temps, what's normal, what's not, colic, swaddling, circumsions (who knew there were 3 different methods to getting that job done?), weights, apgar (sp?) scores, cord, and on and on and on. My head sorta started spinning trying to process and commit everything to memory. Few things I did find interesting that I didn't know (please don't judge me for not knowing these things)--baby toothbrushes. Had no idea...babies don't have teeth right? Well, apparently they still need a toothbrush and we need to start using it when he's like 2 weeks old. So...I'll be baby toothbrush shopping next time I go to Target. Second, really why the need for 3 different methods to circumsize? What could be different? I might have to Google that. Then again, I probably don't want to know or see...

As if that wasn't enough information to overload us, they brought in a lady from Parents as Teachers to talk about brain development. That could be a 4 week course in and of itself I believe. Learned lots from her though. Who knew?
  • that a person's adult vocabulary is 80% formed by the time they're 3? This is why reading, talking and singing to babies (born and unborn) is so important.
  • repitition was so important to brain development? We were told that we needed to not only read to the little guy everynight (even before he's born--which we knew) but right now to read the same story. Repitition will help him learn sounsd, rhythm, words and will also help him develop comfort and a bond with us. Then when he's fussy, reading this story that he's heard so many times in our voices will make him feel better and remind him of when things were less stressful for him before he was born.
  • before a baby's brain can develop intellectually they have to have satisified the need for comfort, trust & bonding? Because I'm a business educated person, I immediately thought of Maslow and his hierarchy of needs--before the higher order thinking needs can be met, the lower, saftey needs need to be met. Hopefully we have a well-adjusted litle boy. He obviously spends lots of time with me and thus hears my voice a lot, so I'm just hopeful that he takes to his daddy since Luke works away from here and is gone a lot.

We also talked about sleep habits and patterns and suggestions for helping those, things to think about/look at when choosing child care and we visited the topic of child safety seats again.

We finished the class with a tour of a birthing room and a look in the nursery. I wish the birthing rooms were a litle more "homey." They just look so sterile (which I know is a good thing!) and not personal. And really could the matresses get any thinner. They told us after the baby is born they will add another matress to your bed so that you will be more comfortable.

And all of that was in 2 hours. Maybe that's why I can't sleep...maybe my brain is still overloaded. Nope, I think it's because I'm so uncomfortable and the little man apparently can't figure out a comfy position 'cause he's all over the place and HURTING my right ribs in the process!

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